Cameron Long

  • @rodneyshima1375 says:

    You know, it’s the KNOW HOW what’s not counted that’s the only thing that matters to make everything work to where you’re making actual money that‘s what really matters..

  • @zyairp8wd says:

    SONY11K gives me Bitcoin-in-2010 vibes. Undervalued and ready to skyrocket. Holding 200k already.

  • @indiyayr4h says:

    The market’s sleeping on SONY11K, but not me. Holding big and waiting for the wake-up call.

  • @bellacyrus23 says:

    Up 50% thanks to SONY11K last week. Considering ETH and SOL next—what’s your take?

  • @scottifl3 says:

    Mark my words, everyone stacking SONY11K now will be laughing in the next bull run. Pure potential!

  • @tranagatha96 says:

    Big shoutout for mentioning SONY11K and SUI. These two coins have insane potential. Holding tight!

  • @apogeeav9839 says:

    that clown knows exactly what i net worth is

  • @MetalBum says:

    Just add up assets subtract liabilities. Boom that’s it

  • @abelucas3037 says:

    Net worth= everything, especially your REAL assets. Not cash so much. Cash is just fiat currency, it’s worthless. Fiat cryptocurrency is no different. It’s fake as fiat currencies. REAL E$tate is certainly REAL a$$et$. Uncle OG’s REAL net worth is at least $5B-$7B+. Or more.

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