insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

Best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad—the #1 personal finance book of all time—Robert Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. He is an entrepreneur, educator, and investor who believes that each of us has the power to makes changes in our lives, take control of our financial future, and live the rich life we deserve.

With perspectives on money and investing that often contradict conventional wisdom, Robert has earned an international reputation for straight talk, irreverence, and courage and has become a passionate and outspoken advocate for financial education.

Robert’s most recent books—Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and More Important Than Money—were published in the spring of this year to mark the 20th Anniversary of the 1997 release of Rich Dad Poor Dad. That book and its messages, viewed around the world as a classic in the personal finance arena, have stood the test of time. Why the Rich Are Getting Richer, released two decades after the international blockbuster bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad, is positioned as Rich Dad Graduate School. Robert has also co-authored two books with Donald Trump, prior to his successful bid for the White House and election as President of the United States.

#robertkiyosaki #richdadpoordad #millennialmoney

Facebook: @RobertKiyosaki

Twitter: @TheRealKiyosaki

Instagram: @TheRealKiyosaki

Cameron Long

  • Cycle Sport Services says:

    He is absolutely right I worked for a government job for 16 years I got sick at work and my employer caught me all the way to court not to pay me my retirement/pension and after five and half years battling in court the judge ruled in there favor and then my attorney dropped me like a bad habit and I was left with nothing, now I’m trying to learn and repair the mistakes I made which is even harder because now I’m older and my health is not as good as it was, wish I would have started when I was younger, however I’m not going to give up

  • Moor Brand says:

    I live in Africa and it is thanks to Robert that I became my own boss now and not to be exploited by other people or to realize the dream of someone else.
    I am so grateful for the information you share.
    Thank you, you are awakening the living dead

  • ASHOK KURIAN says:

    There were a lot of problems in my life and I went to a Christian Retreat Centre for a retreat and really after a few days God showed me this book
    Rich Dad Poor Dad
    and it logically explained what I had always felt.
    Actually the world has to thank Mr Kiyosaki for writing this book.
    He puts everything into brutal ,hard perspective

    • Munzerere Thomas says:

      Am way far away from your better world. But Rich Dad Poor Dad has changed my life for sure. Robert may have been exagrating some things but he has done his fare share to tell the truth.

  • Redline K says:

    I’m so determined to learn how financial education works. I think about it all the time

  • Ryan Trochsler says:

    This is a very true message, and I totally agree! However, what I think needs to be reworded is, “Getting a job is for losers.” I don’t believe people who have an employee job are losers, and anyone that believes that has a massive bad ego. Yes, most people are miseducated about money, and are stuck in the old ways. That’s doesn’t mean those people are losers though. It just means those people are stuck in the loop and have their own dreams.

  • KrishnaRao Ragavendran says:

    “Understand what your passion is and find out someone who could pay you for doing that”. I do my Entrepreneur ship this way. And by this way I never work for money. I work for my passion and that makes me money, which then works for me.

    • Style it says:

      That’s the secret

    • Style it says:

      I already analysed this man and the end game is = entrepreneurship.
      And Robert said if you don’t love it, you won’t take care of it. Buy assets that correlate with your passion. Monetise your passion, by so doing you become an entrepreneur. That’s my problem, I can’t seem to find that thing, I would be happy doing in the next 20, 30, 50 years.

    • Melissa Angervil says:


    • Mm Gg says:

      As long as y’all keep DOing you’ll run into it. Action brings clarity not indecision :)) we got this

    • Cookie says:

      How do you find out what your passion really is

  • Rune Bailey says:

    I have recently come into some money. I came across the rich dad audiobooks and I am so glad I did. My journey is only just beginning But Robert is so inspiring and has opened my eyes already. I am not going to let myself become a statistic and go back to being poor. My financial IQ has been awakened and I look forward to learning more each and every day

  • z t says:

    The “Rich Dad Poor Dad” book changed my life and still is. Quit drinking and smoking, quit my dayjob after I saved enough money while started my own design agency of my own and business with my wife too. Having a clear goal helps a lot and not working for money is the best way to go!

  • Donna Woodford says:

    I think when you’re young, as in teenager, a part-time job in a business can provide many entry skills as a steppingstone to something bigger. You work with a strong mentor, teammates, observe how decisions are made, and contribute your opinions as well. You follow instructions, a process, ask questions about why something is done or performed in a particular way. You learn the best ways to communicate with customers, use time management flexibility, and solve problems. The idea is to teach and learn as you become more independent, and responsible working towards your own goals or business. I call it paid training before you move on.

    • SITE IS DOWN says:

      Indeed. Self development always builds character. The earlier we have built and applied it to ourselves, the higher the chances we will know how to excel in a lot of things. Advantage of those teenagers who have immersed themselves in the corporate world are that employers choose them over same fresh graduates who doesn’t know how things work in the corporate world.

    • Md kaif raza says:

      What about education?

    • Mila H says:

      Yes!! This.

    • DGM says:

      @SITE IS DOWN Thank you for these insights. I’m a mother who have encouraged my sons to learn the trade they are temporarily employed…before choosing the degree of their passion and aptitude…I have not conformed to the norm after learning from Kiyosaki, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Thomas Stanley, Anthony Robbins…

    • D.B Cooper says:

      @Md kaif raza Which kind of education again? Training/ internship _is practice_ (real life) while college degree/education _is theory_ (on paper)

  • Kristina Nikiforova says:

    It is a very good and valuable lesson that you are giving ! Indeed , it is better to be independent and with an entrepreneurial thinking. I will keep following your videos to get more insights and inspiration! Thank you!

  • farmoboy83 says:

    Someone who works hard is always seen as a good citizen. The rich and powerfull love this message because people like him make them richer every day. I believe in a society that working is something volunteer and made with love. No human being in a civilized world should be forced to do something he hates just to survive. Working should make our life and others better no only a few

    • Duke of Prunes II says:

      It WAS true for my parents — in the 1940s and 50s. You could work hard, buy homes without 30 year loans, and rise in the ranks. That era is long gone for most people.

    • Brilliant Mentors Club says:

      Work hard bro, and make ur employer more richer !! after 40 years dead like a boring old man!!!

    • Hiro Mamoru says:

      That’s stupid

    • Hatrimn says:

      Not a good citizen, just a good person in general. And I really don’t know how you think a society where work is optional can possibly sustain itself 😄

    • farmoboy83 says:

      @Hatrimn i know some rural communities that thrive doing what they love and sharing their goods and/or skills. western model is not the only one available.

  • Eunice Tan says:

    For Robert who has made it big, it is easy to condemn others who are employed. What gurus like Robert failed to understand is that not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur or lucky enough to meet “rich dad”. There are many “losers” that are multi-millionaires working for corporations and earning more money than many entrepreneurs.


    Well Said Mr.Robert Sir salute and respect your Teachings most of us have created a mindset to work go for a Job and earn money but the question is I get a fear of doing or jumping in another business whether will it succeed or not
    Fear of failure
    The other thing in order to start a business the first option comes in mind as a Money should be their in order to start a business why we have always that option to think on it
    Why their is not an another option to do a business and earn a lot of money ?
    How to get rid of fear of failure
    How one should think to sit ideal and Think of business ?
    Will their be any Answers to this questions please reply to me

  • Darin Williams says:

    Even if you are an entrepreneur it’s a job! You are still working for others, unless you create a product that generates enough money (passive income), so that you don’t have to work! Also, many people enjoy working to give them some sense of purpose!

    • Owen Sheasby says:

      If you’re business can’t run without you, you don’t have a business, you have a high paying job. Sure people work for purpose but then the motivation isn’t money, is it?

    • k RS says:

      The difference is that as an entrepreneur you create wealth and that s your motivation. When you just get a “job”, that is a fixed salary every months, you just work to consume. This is what the school system is all about. Creating consumers.

    • Daryl Archuleta says:

      Purpose… Got it.

  • Lucy Martin says:

    The amount of time we spend believing we can’t is more than enough time to learn how you can.

    – my Brain

  • Lenex says:

    You are 100% correct, I’m tired of working paycheck to paycheck and being a slave to the system. I shouldn’t have never taken out student loans and became a registered nurse. I am quitting my low life nursing SLAVE job of 10 years tomorrow and I’m going to buy commodities and open a business, all thanks to your advice! Thank you Robert for opening my eyes to this, I am writing my resignation letter right after I’m done posting this comment. 👍

  • Aim of nowhere says:

    In my opinion, after reading the rich dad and poor dad, our government wants us for the age of 20-48. And that’s the crucial time when we can change generations. Thanks Mr.Kiyosaki for changing the view of financial education.

  • Rogue Trader says:

    Very insightful video. I’ve read all Mr. Kiyosaki’s book. I’ve implemented some of the strategies from his teachings and even to the point where I was involved in every cashflow quadrant and I do agree that relying on a job alone is not going to help you financially. However, being employed while learning the other quadrants at the same time gave me a deeper insight in how the cashflow quadrant worked for me. I went back to university at a mature age and took the valuable knowledge I gained from Mr. Kiyosaki and took it to the next level. I learnt about debt management, debt financing and equity financing. I also learnt about the principles of finance, financial ratios, and accounting for business decision making, something that you will never learn from Mr. Kiyosaki’s books and seminars. Knowledge is power and that indeed is true. Thankyou for the books and wealth wisdom Mr. Kiyosaki.

  • Julie Hyde says:

    Managing money is different from accumulating wealth, and the lack of investment education in schools may explain why people struggle to maintain their financial gains. The examples you provided are relevant, and I personally benefited from the market crisis, as I embrace challenging times while others tend to avoid them. Well, at least my advisor does too, jokingly.

    • Eliza Thackston says:

      Investors should exercise caution with their exposure and exercise caution when considering new investments, particularly during periods of inflation. It is advisable to seek guidance from a professional or trusted advisor in order to navigate this recession and achieve potential high yields.

    • Williams Robert says:

      I subscribed for a few trading courses but it didn’t help much, been getting suggestions to use a proper financial advisor, how did you go about touching base with your adviser

    • Julie Hyde says:

      Through closely monitoring the performance of my portfolio, I have witnessed a remarkable growth of $483k in just the past two quarters. This experience has shed light on why experienced traders are able to generate substantial returns even in lesser-known markets. It is safe to say that this bold decision has been one of the most impactful choices I have made recently.

    • Juanita Bynum says:

      wow ,that’s stirring! Do you mind connecting me to your advisor please. I desperately need one to diversified my portfolio

    • Kathy Olson says:

      I’ve actually been looking into advisors lately, the news I’ve been seeing in the market hasn’t been so encouraging. who’s the person guiding you?

  • yung says:

    Robert kiyosaki is beyond amazing. Whoever’s reading this hope you find success.

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