A Holiday Stuffing for Diabetics Your Glucose Meter will LOVE !!!

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Dennis & Benedicta share a special stuffing for diabetics and keto folks that can equal the stuffing your mama made.

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KetoFocus Original Recipe for Chaffle Stuffing:

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Cameron Long

  • olly2027 says:

    Don’t like mushrooms. Can I leave that out?

  • Teresa Foreman says:

    I would use the utensils God gave me and tear up the Chaffles with my fingers LoL. I always used my hands making traditional stuffing, My mom called it Dressing rather than Stuffing, as lots of folks do.Have a Blessed Thanksgiving 🙏🦃🍁🍠🥦🍄🍂🍁🍃🌰🍗

    • Vicky Taylor says:

      As a British person we always call it stuffing no matter what, but from what I have heard the stuffing/dressing is the same mixture but stuffing goes in the bird, and dressing is done in a dish.

  • Teresa McNulty says:

    I guess if you got used to that being your stuffing. I would maybe use keto bread, and I dress it with a poultry broth, Miracle Whip, a bit of lemon juice, a bit of worcestershire sauce, and sauteed onion and celery. Maybe some sage and thyme. The worst part of that is the bread… Hey—thanks—and a Joyous Thanksgiving!

  • Ellen says:

    🥀💛🥀 It’s been too long since seeing Beautiful Benedicta with her infectious and joyful laugh🥀💛🥀

  • schumann967 says:

    So my question is do you have a video for some one trying to lets say change ive had trype 2 for like 2 yrs i dont drinks soda and lets say sugar coffee as much but i beleive my bagel and creamcheese with large coffee regular or extra extra has to go and my mcdonalds definitely needs to go but i need something to replace them with

  • Brad K says:

    I guess sometimes people brine turkey in a solution containing sugar or apple juice, so….

  • Spinning Wheels Road Travels says:

    My answer is gravy. Those vegetables are only as good as the gravy you put over them. Then you eat a green bean, and say “tastes like chicken”.

  • Penny Turner says:

    We make stuffing with sausage meat, mushrooms, parsley, thyme, nuts, shallot and an egg mixed together, it is betterthan the turkey.

  • Em H says:

    I eat whatever I want on Thanksgiving. One day not to worry about it.

  • Marla Petersen says:

    I like lots of finely chopped celery in my stuffing so will try your recipe with celery!

  • Little Willow 🎵 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! Keto Focus’s name is Annie. God Bless ❤

  • TheAngelin2000 says:

    I enjoyed it when your wife ate with you because she does not diabetes and compare of 2 of you

  • Sara C. Tramble says:

    ❤THANK YOU ❤

  • Lisa says:

    What a lovely way to start my day from New England.

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