Give Yourself A Home A1C Test

In this video Dennis Pollock walks you through the steps to giving yourself a home A1C test. He tests himself and reveals his own A1C score, and then shares some thoughts about why blood sugar testing is so vitally important – not only to give you information but to give you inspiration!

Diabetes Resources:

Cameron Long

  • S Writer says:

    Thank you for the great information in your videos. My ac levels have been 5.6 – 5.7.
    It’s a struggle to keep the blood sugar normal. My fasting level can go from 100 – 110 usually. I did lose weight, 22 pounds since 2015. I haven’t seen my current weight in about 25 years. Again, thank you and Happy New Year.

  • Ricky B says:

    Dennis, you make a valid point about testing. I get a kick out of seeing my good numbers and find it very motivating to continue and to do even better.

  • Maureen Polizzi says:

    Went from a 6.8 in November 2018 down to a 5.3 as of this morning!!!! It all started when I started watching your messages. You, my friend, are an inspiration. 🤗 Please keep sharing all your knowledge. I will be watching. THANK YOU and THANK GOD!

    • Beat Diabetes! says:

      That’s wonderful, Maureen! I love to hear stories like yours!

    • Mindy S says:

      Great job! I’m hoping for a similar result here. Just diagnosed as diabetic in December, but I’m working hard to reverse it.

    • Nathaniel Portney says:

      Congrats ma’am on such amazing results. May u share which keto fasting diet you used to reduce the A1c? Thank you

    • Aayiah aka LadyLuck says:

      @Nathaniel Portney LCHF and Intermittent fasting (if) 18/4 hour. I lost 35 pound. My a1c was 8.93 now test today at 4.8 on 6/14/2021. If you really want to lower it, avoid sugar, whole grain, rice, oats, wheat, bread, corn, seed fats, fry food, process foods, and high carbs. I did this for three months and it helped me. Good luck!

  • High plains Living says:

    Newly diagnosed type 2diabetes, 3 months ago my A1C was at 6.5, this last Friday my A1C was down to 6.1. Slowly getting there. 😃

    • Lucila Parga says: diagnosed in late january. It,s 6.6 and I’m diet and excercise. I will go buy this kit. My next A1C will be in May. This I can find if, what I am doing is working?

  • Ricky B says:

    Dennis, thanks for this great video. I’m in Canada and ordered a Walgreen’s kit from Amazon. Reading the instructions is one thing but seeing it done is much better, so this was a great help. I agree with you that seeing good numbers is very inspirational and it has the same effect on me as you describe. That’s why I was so disappointed my doctor stopped my A1C tests, thinking I am cured of T2 diabetes. I will always continue to use my Mike meter daily and check my A1C every 6 months because I know T2 diabetes does not just go away. If it wasn’t for the work I put into it, I would not have results like the 4.9% I received today. God bless.

  • MyGawd2005 says:

    I just took my A1C test and it was 5.2 from 11..thanks to listening to you and Dr. Jason Fung I am off all my medications…it took me about 5 months …thanks again for all your information

  • Emily Knowles (ekfitness) says:

    Thank you SO MUCH! Your video was extremely helpful for our family. We all took the test and were so worried that the box was on our counter for 3 months before we decided to crack it open. We found your video, you put us at ease with your instructions and we had a positive experience. Thank you SO MUCH!!  
    P.S. Our numbers were very low and we were quite relieved. 🙂

  • Steve McLaughlin says:

    Thanks in large part to listening to you I have reduced my A1C to really good numbers. I was put in the hospital in January 2020 with a blood glucose of 14.7. I was sleeping all the time, except for the often trips to the bathrooms to urinate. Sometime before I had to go to the hospital I had a hear attack; they found the heart enzyme that accompanies a heart attach when they ran my blood workup. When I left the hospital I was feeling much better, but I was using insulin four times a day. On the advice of diabetic training people I began to watch my carb intake, and I watched a lot of your videos. Celery and salads were a large part of my early diet food, but I eventually learned of the other things I could safely eat without running my sugar up to the extremes. My A1C recently was 5.2 and three months later a 5.4. I owe you my sincere gratitude, and I tell others about your encouraging videos. God bless you and your wife, and I pray God wonderfully blesses your ministry. Your brother in Christ. Steve McLaughlin

  • LifeQuotes says:

    Watching this kind of video is very uplifting. Thank you! I am diagnosed as a pre-diabetic of 5.9 A1C. It’s been over two weeks now since I started changing my diet to less to no rice but more on veggies, a lil fish and meats. I am just wondering if I should completely eliminate rice from my diet. Pretty difficult as rice has been my staple foods since. I am also doing light exercise everyday. My waist was 35 inches and in two weeks it is now down to 32 inches. I also did 16/8 intermittent fasting. I felt really good about myself so far. I cannot wait to learn my A1C in my next lab test. I am really hoping to reverse my sugar level for good.

  • Paul Millbank says:

    I’m definitely not a Christian or believer of faith in general, but I do appreciate your science based knowledge, it was extremely motivational. Thank you.

  • D.K. Benson-Smith says:

    Dennis, you are so articulate-
    A pleasure to watch.
    Viewers surely appreciate that you’re non-judgemental & so encouraging.
    Thankfully, my last A1C score was 4.8.

  • Howard Jr says:

    First time viewer and very pleased to hear these test kits are available to us. Over the past 3 months my a1c went from 8.9 down to 5.8! Now it’s fine tuning from here on. I like the idea of checking my a1c inbetween the doctor’s blood work. Thank you. Liked, Subscribed and Rang the bell. 🙂 ✝️🕊

  • Jay Jay says:

    Dennis … I recently bought your book “60 Ways To Lower Your Blood Sugar”. Great info and easy to understand. I recommend it for anyone trying to figure out how to beat diabetes. I recently got my first A1C test and it came out at 5.6 just a digit from pre-diabetic at 5.7. I was SHOCKED. I rarely eat junk or processed food – I am a largely organic plant based with some pasture raised – wild caught animal protein – I am not overweight and I exercise about 4 to 5 times a week. WOW … never would have guessed. So, after much research I am going to a high fat – low complex carb – animal protein diet like Dennis suggests to see how it goes. Bye bye rice – pasta – potatoes … my true loves. Just not worth it … this morning I had bacon and eggs for the first time in I don’t know how long and let me tell you it was delicious. OK … y’all for you “newbies” out there wish me luck. I will be getting tested again in 3 months … cross fingers I make some progress in lowering my A1C.

  • James D. Chamberlain III says:

    Through Keto I’m at 5.2. Previously, undiagnosed, untreated diabetes drove my blood pressure so high I had a stroke. Glad to have recovered and turned my live around. Praise Lord Jesus.

  • Devil Dogs Bushcraft says:

    Thanks Dennis! I’m fighting that battle right now. I have been doing what you suggested. High healthy fats, low to moderate protein, and I try to not eat carbs at all. Except where I have no choice because they are built into some of the foods I’m eating.

  • Steven Dunn says:

    I use this test every 3 months. In 1 year on very low carb I have gone from 10.7 down to 4.7. Keto for 3 years. Lost a total of 85 lbs. so far. 15 more to go. Keto for life.

  • Logic & Facts says:

    Mine is a 5.6, but compared to a year ago when it was 14.8 that is pretty good. I am not eating perfectly but I did manage to lose 60 lbs in a year, down from 260. Anyways nice video, sir.

  • Patrick Evan says:

    Very informative, sensitive, encouraging & not boring☺️….
    Thank you for posting these instructions on how to use the Walgreens home A1C Testing Kit….And for the sincere positive inspiration✴️
    Peace & Blessings To You Brotha’ Dennis🙏🏽❣️✨

  • Paula Swaim says:

    Pastor Dennis, you have motivated me to ask my doctor to perform an A1c test every three months. I think that would help me continue the hard work of my reduced carb diet and time restricted eating. God bless you. Greetings from Kalispell, Montana.

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