When Pres Bill Clinton and Dean Ornish Love your Diabetes Book, You Know There is a PROBLEM !

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Dennis Pollock discusses a diabetes book praised by Pres Bill Clinton and Dean Ornish, and discusses some some of its issues.

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  • James Kantor says:

    If you don’t like the book, then why review the book ?

  • Ellen says:

    🥀😗🥀 Dr. Mark Hyman: The Blood Sugar Solution Takeaway…Sounds a bit too esoterical for me to keep 🥀😗🥀

  • James Kantor says:

    Dennis , this video is not helpful. Why bother reviewing a 2012 book that you did not helpful.
    Please focus on positive diabetes helpful books.

  • J Anderson says:

    A food critic reviews food good or bad and gives his opinion so should he not review the food if he doesn’t like it. Dennis is just giving an opinion.

  • James Kantor says:

    It would be better to review the books you wrote and explain why they are helpful.

  • Diana Mortine says:

    To save me from reading it ❤

  • M Ball says:

    Have you joined a food co-op yet?

  • Whitney Wells says:

    Thank you for keeping it simple and truthful! It really can be simple but humans tend to complicate and over analyze things.

  • Solomon Asare says:

    You are so pragmatic, I like that.

  • Random views says:


  • Killing Diabetes Type 2 says:

    I think the correct point is that a low carb diet can be either plant based or fat based. Both can work. For example, a very low fat plant based diet (whole foods), that is also high in protein. That’s a low fat diet that is sound and will work. That’s why Dean Ornish would be on board. The other way is what you I think are doing; high fat and protein. That works because carbs aren’t combined with fat there either. The direction I’m leaning to is similar: fat and protein, but I’m trying to emphasize on increasing protein in my diet to increase muscle mass (in conjunction with body building). The only real killer diet is carbs + fat which doesn’t even occur in nature, except perhaps in mammalian milk, since the goal is the make a baby as big as possible in the shortest time. Carbs plus fat is what is at the center of the grocery store, and avoiding it is the common ground between you and dean ornish.

  • Victoria R says:

    vegan did not work for me.

  • Dave says:

    great video, you’re funny 🙂

  • Greg Cobb says:

    You are spot on Dennis, a person that has walked the land of diabetes will understand you are correct. Mark Hyman concentrates on gut health and he is correct in that regards.

  • Cheryl Reed says:

    I cant eat most of the foods Mark HYman recommends because I have gut issues ~fiber is my enemy and eating lots of salad and veggies and fruit and lowfat my blood work kept gettin worse!! so I eat mostly meat and plenty of good fats and IF

  • Joe Huber says:

    Thanks for the review Dennis guess some people don’t understand what a true type 2 diabetic has to deal with.

  • Joanne Seguin says:

    thanks Dennis! i too prefer your very simple approach!! 🥰

  • Eugenio Lopez says:

    Low carb and intermittent fasting is the key. Fay is not the enemy.

  • Alf Free says:

    ‘researchers think that high levels of stress hormones might stop insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from working properly and reduce the amount of insulin they make.’

    ‘Blood sugar levels may rise due to hormones being released in response to stress’….

  • Peter Cyr says:

    Hyman always says use meat as a “condiment”. WRONG!

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