5 steps and 6 months to go from Diabetes to Freedom!
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Dennis Pollock shares a plan that may help you reverse your diabetes with 5 steps over 6 months.
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6 Month Plan to Become Non-Diabetic
Month 1: Test & Compare / Start to lower your carbs in your meals.
Month 2: Stop all in-between meal snacking.
Month 3: Change to low carb meals (meals that do not cause major glucose spikes). If unsure about what to eat: meat and salad, or meat and LC vegetables. No sugar, no bread (except LC bread), no starches…
Month 4: Eliminate a real breakfast / try BP coffee, or an egg and coffee, or beef broth, or lots of cream & coffee.
Month 5: Turn your evening meal to carnivore or nearly carnivore. Get your vegetables at lunch. Lunch is veggie time – but not potatoes or corn or beets or carrots…
Month 6: Just keep on doing what you've been doing.
In most cases: Either this will get you below diabetic levels, or else it will improve your situation so much that you will be ready to continue this…
Well said and presented , I’m on this journey for the past 6 years and its been great. A year ago i made a wrong turn and gained some weight but my Hbaic and other numbers, fb and one hour post meal are good but its much harder now to loose the weight.
Blessings Dennis
Yes I know I too stopped losing the weight but I just lowered my calories and started walking more and bam kick started my losing weight again. Only 28 pounds to go to be where I want. You can do this
@@slugo915 thanks
So what happens if you don’t drink coffee or tea? Can I forgo this and just have water? The doctors here just stick me on meds that have a more negative effect than positive. I woke up today with BS of 277. I am NOT eating a sugar item! So, I am listening.
Water itself oř water with electrolytes wont save you cause carbs…
You didn’t mention carbs. You may be fooling yourself.
@@naps3386 carbs hold liquids in body samé with wounds healing…
What meds are u on Deborah?
Steel cut course oatmeal soaked and slow cooked in water with a pinch of Celtic salt keeps my blood glucose spike very low. It is a carbohydrate that digests slowly for me, does anyone else find this?
No it sends my levels really high.
Do you represent cereal companies?
My husband has low sugar and he makes steel cut oats for breakfast a few times a week , so I have tried it a few times , but each time it gives me a blood sugar spike
@@naps3386 I wish, I’d be wealthy!
@@minadoro thanks for replying, does he put anything in it?
Nice work dennis, can you make a video of how Dr. Roy Taylor in the UK shows pancreas regenerating by just getting the fat out of them. Its incredible it goes from a shriveled pancreas to a regenerated pancreas, its all about the fat in the organs..
The problem with Prof Taylor’s plan is that it’s hard for people to stay so low calorie for a long time (his program is 800 calories per day). People get hungry and gain the weight back. The good thing of a very low carb diet is that it’s sustainable for the long term. If you are not a carb addict you can even have an occasional cheat and not affect you much
Fantastic session/motivation. Thank you for sharing
A1C in Mar was 7.1, as of yesterday its 5.8. its working
Love the shirt sir, I am not ashamed of Him who saved my soul either, Romans 1:16.
I love the visuals, Dennis! Speaking of visuals, I miss beautiful Benedicta
i will probably do this for life, i have been doing low carb since the 11 June 2024 and i have stopped taking meds. i am aiming for my pilot license and i am 54. I have had T2 for 9 years. on the glucose meter it now shows an average of 6.4 for A1C in 2 more months i will go have a proper test. i don’t cheat, i don’t “try” anything. I feel better, more energy and this is how i want to live! I have a light breakfast eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms OR bacon, lunch a good steak, fish, chickenetc with veg or a salad and nothing after lunch except a coffee later in the afternoon
I always watch you. It’s hard. I’m not a full plate eater. I enjoy trying new foods and snacks. Love hamburgers. I don’t like fried food. Gross.
comes from within.
Things are bad now. I refuse to take meds.
I read how to leave in 6 months. I don’t have support. Dead family. Small fam, and I’m the survivor. I don’t know what to do. Hurt for hurting myself.
Thank you. Strength
Thank you so much Pas Dennis. I wl work on low carb but I am not sure I can skip breakfast.
That’s, simple and working without mistakes. Yes I’m one who did it successfully, but still checking my blood sugar, not everyday but I do, and A1C of course at home, and no more any medication supplements or anything, I used in my fight seeking help in it and didn’t find, just loosing money and even health. Once I stop, start calmly investigate, find your channel and my fight becomes articulate more and more, and proportional lower numbers. Yes thorough time I find my way and still do, but basic is always same, exactly what you teach me, thank you Dennis.
Gm Dennis. Yes people that are new, please follow Dennis advice it will work! I am proof. I thank God everyday I found his channel
Greetings from Ethiopia. That was really useful. Thank you, Dennis.
Love your low carb hints. I wish you and Ben would put out a low carb cookbook. That okra soup sounds wonderful!
All these eating plans then turning in to habit (hopefully) are great and ideal… But, psychologically/mentally support are missing as there are just TOO MANY distractions around us… any guidance there? I have been a type 2 diabetic for years and have tried as much as I can to improve my A1C although dropped from 7.8 to 5.6, I still cannot shake from some of the temptations such as a simple piece of someone’s birthday cake well throw me off the tangent… Yes, sometimes those negative thoughts do come to mind
I love watching your videos. You are plain speaking and have a very pleasing personality. I have been watching for 2 years now. It has been 2 steps forward and 1 step backward but I am now winning every day. BTW I like your T-shirt…what I can see of it
Big fan of Dennis’s. The Jesus t-shirt is an aggravation and distraction from the subject-