4 Reasons “They” Tell You to Eat Your Carbs – and 1 Reason THEY ARE WRONG!
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For nearly 100 years certain health "experts" have insisted we must eat carbs freely and without reservation. But their reasons just don't add up.
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As an Asian, rice is staple food.I stopped eating rice, sugar and all types of carbs because i was diagnosed of pre diabetes. I am now a on carnivore diet and I am feeling better now. I lost weight and sugar level is no longer spiking.
…and you probably LIVE in the USA …
Do you exercise?
i reversed my prediabetes from 6.1 to 5.3 a1c by cutting down on carbs without having to eliminate them.
Thank you !
Excellent video! Thank you Dennis!
Ian’t fiber good? Veggie carbs come with fiber
Fiber is fine for most people (not for everyone, because a minority have gut bacteria, which convert fiber into carbs). But not all vegetables are fine, because it is not fiber what matters but the carb content. Therefore, low-carb vegetables (e.g. cauliflower, spinach, green beans) are good, but high-carb vegetables (e.g. potatoes, corn, cassava) are no-go, regardless of fiber content. And some vegetables are ok only in limited amount (e.g. red beans, peas, parsnips, beets).
I agree, I have a relative that eats that way, and they say but I can eat whatever I want because my insulin takes care of it. Well, I love her but she’s so obese and wonders why she has so many other health issues. I just shake my head. She still insist I had surgery because of all the weight I lost. I just can’t get through to her. I tried sending her videos from Dennis and the carnivore docs channels but she still believes high cholesterol will kill her. I pray every night for her. Society is so reluctant to except that carbs are the issue and that people are addicted to sugar. Also, even if you do mainly fruits there’s one thing also your forgetting or don’t know about and that back years ago they modified genetically all the crops and fruits! They are not the same as when they were all natural !
to all
It’s an awful addiction.
Especially if you love bread and are a stress and emotional eater let alone the neuropathy and all host of other issues that comes eith it

Mark Twain’s quote can’t be emphasized enough – It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Many other diseases reduced by low carb diet. I have friends suffering from high carb diet complications. Can’t convince them all. I’ve made my happy choice: Low carb! Thank you, Dennis!

Preach the TRUTH Dennis!!!
I am one of the MANY people that have REVERSED my T2 diabetes by listening to God and you instead of my doctor and dietician. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU
Thank you for sharing Dennis! You touched on a couple of things I think are important for diabetics to recognize. First is that diabetes is not stable, it will change as time goes on and you must continue to adjust your diet to go along with it. Second is that even though the numbers say you are “no longer diabetic”, that is not really the case. You are still diabetic, but you have achieved glucose control through diet.
I have been watching my body change since about 2006, and I’ve now gotten to the point where carb intake is less than 10 grams per day, mostly from vegetables. So I’m at the point where the next metabolism shift will probably point me towards insulin therapy, my last resort.
Thanks Dennis