2 Simple Steps Can Take You from Diabetic to Non-Diabetic (T2D)
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Dennis Pollock shares 2 simple steps, proclaimed and preached by Dr. Jason Fung, which can take type 2's from diabetic to non-diabetic.
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Hi .Good morning. too all my brother and sister. Diabetic family. ❤
Good morning right back at ya! : )
@lisalewis5664 Thanks 😊
Good morning paula ❤🖐
@janan1105 hi have a good day 😊
Dr. Fung is one of my faves, next to you, of course! Diabetes is a dietary disease!
Good morning everyone! I’m here so early 🙌🏻 Dennis, I really appreciate your content!!
Good morning to you ❤🖐
Thank you for your helpful video.
Dennis, I agree with your approach. There seems to me that there is an elephant in the room that should be addressed more. I’ve done the carb less than 20/day, the 1MAD IF with only mild results. It wasn’t until I started, Not obsessing, but paying more attention to my calories and protein, that I started to see good results. Perhaps that is just me. But I notice when you or some other good diabetic blogger shows pictures of the plate of food they eat, the portions are smaller. i.e. less calories and more rational amounts of protein. Less than my “body” would tell me to eat. I was a serious long distance cyclist in the day, and was trained to carb up for the next ride. I had to re-educate myself about that tendency – which I think I have under control. I liked the feeling of a “full belly” as an indicator of when to stop eating. I mistook that for feeling full. I know some bloggers promote the idea that you can eat “unlimited” meat (protein) etc. as long as the total carbs are under 20. The idea is that as you start eating that way, you will naturally begin to eat less. My situation is different. I had to learn what being “full” felt like. I never had a weight problem. (It’s hard to get fat burning over 4K calories a day. But the result was T2D in my older age.) I imagine many very overweight people must have the same problem of mistaking a full belly for being satiated. Thanks for all you do.
Hi Dennis, I always enjoyed your message. The medical treatment for diabetes should be the same as a “mild allergy to carbohydrates” and as all types of allergies, be solved by avoiding the allergenic, not pumping medicine that never clear the issue. A massive study of people avoiding carbohydrates should be conducted to change the national health recommendations but I guess the food and drugs cartels are too strong to allow that. Thanks again.
Good morning Dennis. Thank you for your ongoing support and inspiration. Appreciate it very much 😊
I look at diabetes reversal like weight loss. I was morbidly obese and facing all the complications that came along with being overweight. Now I am 150 pounds down and feeling great…and feeling great about myself. If I go back to eating like I did before my weight loss journey, I will surely gain it all back with all the complications hovering over me like a dark cloud. In this past year I REVERSED my T2 as well. In three months I dropped my A1C from 6.9 to 5.5, I’ve kept my A1C in the mid-fives since then. This is my one year anniversary of my diagnosis. It’s also when I found this channel which changed everything for me. I know if I somehow didn’t find your channel, Dennis, things would have turned out much worse for me knowing what I know about dieticians and their penchant for brown rice and quinoa. 🙂