We Diabetics Have Been Terrified of the Wrong Thing! Now We Know What to Fear!

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Dennis Pollock discusses misplaced fear in the diabetic community, including some medical workers.

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Cameron Long

  • @zenane2012 says:

    Greetings from Ethiopia. That was really educational. Thank you, Dennis.

  • @johnmadany9829 says:

    This short video says it all!.

  • @pauletteschiowitz8989 says:

    What about stress which is what’s killing me.

    • @aseeker2109 says:

      Pray, trust in Jesus, surrender your life to Jesus and he will take care of everything:

      The Surrender Novena
      Day 1
      Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.

      O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

      Day 2
      Surrender to me does not mean to fret, to be upset, or to lose hope, nor does it mean offering to me a worried prayer asking me to follow you and change your worry into prayer. It is against this surrender, deeply against it, to worry, to be nervous and to desire to think about the consequences of anything.

      It is like the confusion that children feel when they ask their mother to see to their needs, and then try to take care of those needs for themselves so that their childlike efforts get in their mother’s way. Surrender means to placidly close the eyes of the soul, to turn away from thoughts of tribulation and to put yourself in my care, so that only I act, saying, “You take care of it.”

      O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

      Day 3
      How many things I do when the soul, in so much spiritual and material need, turns to me, looks at me and says to me, “You take care of it,” then closes its eyes and rests. In pain you pray for me to act, but that I act in the way you want. You do not turn to me, instead, you want me to adapt to your ideas. You are not sick people who ask the doctor to cure you, but rather sick people who tell the doctor how to. So do not act this way, but pray as I taught you in the Our Father: “Hallowed be thy Name,” that is, be glorified in my need. “Thy kingdom come,” that is, let all that is in us and in the world be in accord with your kingdom. “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven,” that is, in our need, decide as you see fit for our temporal and eternal life. If you say to me truly: “Thy will be done,” which is the same as saying: “You take care of it,” I will intervene with all my omnipotence, and I will resolve the most difficult situations.

      O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

      Day 4
      You see evil growing instead of weakening? Do not worry. Close your eyes and say to me with faith: “Thy will be done, You take care of it.” I say to you that I will take care of it, and that I will intervene as does a doctor and I will accomplish miracles when they are needed. Do you see that the sick person is getting worse? Do not be upset, but close your eyes and say, “You take care of it.” I say to you that I will take care of it, and that there is no medicine more powerful than my loving intervention. By my love, I promise this to you.

      O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

      Day 5
      And when I must lead you on a path different from the one you see, I will prepare you; I will carry you in my arms; I will let you find yourself, like children who have fallen asleep in their mother’s arms, on the other bank of the river. What troubles you and hurts you immensely are your reason, your thoughts and worry, and your desire at all costs to deal with what afflicts you.

      O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

      Day 6
      You are sleepless; you want to judge everything, direct everything and see to everything and you surrender to human strength, or worse—to men themselves, trusting in their intervention—this is what hinders my words and my views. Oh, how much I wish from you this surrender, to help you; and how I suffer when I see you so agitated! Satan tries to do exactly this: to agitate you and to remove you from my protection and to throw you into the jaws of human initiative. So, trust only in me, rest in me, surrender to me in everything.

      O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

      Day 7
      I perform miracles in proportion to your full surrender to me and to your not thinking of yourselves. I sow treasure troves of graces when you are in the deepest poverty. No person of reason, no thinker, has ever performed miracles, not even among the saints. He does divine works whosoever surrenders to God. So don’t think about it any more, because your mind is acute and for you it is very hard to see evil and to trust in me and to not think of yourself. Do this for all your needs, do this, all of you, and you will see great continual silent miracles. I will take care of things, I promise this to you.

      O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

      Day 8
      Close your eyes and let yourself be carried away on the flowing current of my grace; close your eyes and do not think of the present, turning your thoughts away from the future just as you would from temptation. Repose in me, believing in my goodness, and I promise you by my love that if you say, “You take care of it,” I will take care of it all; I will console you, liberate you and guide you.

      O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

      Day 9
      Pray always in readiness to surrender, and you will receive from it great peace and great rewards, even when I confer on you the grace of immolation, of repentance, and of love. Then what does suffering matter? It seems impossible to you? Close your eyes and say with all your soul, “Jesus, you take care of it.” Do not be afraid, I will take care of things and you will bless my name by humbling yourself. A thousand prayers cannot equal one single act of surrender, remember this well. There is no novena more effective than this.

      O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)

      Mother, I am yours now and forever.
      Through you and with you
      I always want to belong
      completely to Jesus.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t worry about it.

  • @1or2kayaks says:

    I am broken beyond repair.
    Been doing low carb two years, on Metformin 6 months now. Glucose has not come down any.

    • @Tempestan says:

      High protein, medium fats, low carb, try to eat less high processed food, and walk more. I went from an A1c of 10.5 to 3.5 in 3 months. Got off insulin in 4 weeks. My low carb was no more than 20 carbs a day, no bread, cut out wheat, corn, soybean products, and seed oils.

    • Anonymous says:

      Aim for zero carbs and you’ll probably get close enough. “Low” is too vague. Also get the doc to prescribe you JANUMET.

  • @pauletteschiowitz8989 says:

    A1c is 5.6 last checkup but I now have stage 3a ckd and still don’t know what to eat to be safe, also trying to gain back lost weight.

  • @martinvisor57 says:

    Excellent series… fired my Doctor, now getting advice from an Endocrinologist who absolutely agrees, lowered my A1c from 7.8 to 6.1 in 4 weeks.

  • @slugo915 says:

    Gm Dennis. Yes, once I stopper fearing the LDL numbers I also noticed hey, I feel so much better. I go Sept 5 and that day will probably be the day myself and PCP will butt heads. If so guess what, she’s fired. All my numbers are the best they ever been but one, my LDL went up about 60 points. I have quit taking my statins for about 3 weeks now and I can definitely feel less issues than before. Brain fog gone, memory better, have way more energy but that is probably the ketomes. I want to give her a chance but if she fights at all with myself that’s it, she’s fired. I have a doctor lined up that I can switch to thanks to a friend. Only reason I don’t want to switch is because that doctor is 18 miles away. I pray someday the health industry gets on board with the healing part of the root cause of the conditions and not just ,hey, let’s give them a bandaid and keep them on this medicine for life. Big pharma could be good but they go against what Jesus said, you can not worship 2 gods at the same time and expect to end up in heaven. Ethically and morally they can help but chose the wrong side . Last, people need to stop using the seed oils. Cook with animal fat like our grandparents did. They have everyone so brainwashed high fat ,salt cholesterol is going to kill you. Ask them if God forbid you end up in the back of a ambulance what is in that saline bag. The iv they put in your arm. ….9,000 mg of salt and water! You need salt to help keep you hydrated, water is not enough without the minerals and salt you lose throughout the day and even while sleeping. 🙏

  • @williamberliant8145 says:

    How powerful is eating low carb? It is so powerful that I converted my doctor, and now she is all in on low carb for her diabetic and pre diabetic patients. I didn’t have to lecture her about it. I didn’t have to say anything. I just showed up for a physical exam. She asked all the questions. The first year of my low carb convinced her. I’m on my 5th year now, A1c 5.0, no meds.

  • @hollisr4552 says:

    Thank you brother, I wanna let you know that you help me a lot in my battle with diabetes the legacy medical system is a total failure. God bless you!

  • @oldroscoe2590 says:

    I seem to have pushed the blood sugar and insulin limits all I can, last Thursday the annual blood test showed an A!C of 5.8 it’s always been in the mid fives and below. Triglycerides were 95 HDL and LDL were high but within the 1 to 3 ratio. I know what I need to do and I’m doing it………. now. I’m not concerned about the high lipids but I’m expecting a call from the doctor’s office telling me I must start on statins……….. and I won’t. I’ll take care of BS with diet.

  • @sherynngofa6175 says:

    Metabolically fit people can handle carbs; diabetics are not metabolically fit yet.

  • @williampearson2683 says:

    Very good video. Thank you Dennis.

  • @chawek137 says:

    Thanks for all your work Dennis. I was able to lower my fasting glucose from 6.8 to 5.0 and A1c from 6.9% to 5.7% in 3 months. Still working on it to improve the numbers.🙏

  • @victorbaez3688 says:


  • @dcnike820 says:

    Another excellent post, thank you. The debate on remission is a waste of time. Basically, but lowering my carb intake the following have happened: i. HbA1c below 6; ii. fasting insulin is single digit; iii. normal blood pressure was achieved; iv. waist to high ratio is now normal. Consequently: i. My risk for heart disease was slashed; ii. risk for a stroke was slashed; iii. risk of an obeseogenic cancers (colon, prostate, breast) was slashed; iv. risk of blindness slashed; v. risk of limb amputations was slashed. I do not care if this is a remission or not, the improvements in my health and health outlook is the main point.

  • @budheidan says:

    Great job in educating us Dennis . You deserve an honorary PHD degree for your outstanding continuous service to people with diabetes. I am looking forward to reading the new book that your are in the process of writing .

  • @ut561 says:

    “I just want a heart attack, I want to go quickly, that’s what I want” funny 🙂

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