Cameron Long

  • @InfinitProcessBSG13 says:

    I love dont mind 😍 winter. 🌨 maybe you complain about winter , did u?

  • @Thriveology25 says:

    Success isn’t found in luck—it’s built in the moments when no one is watching.

  • @TheGoldcolor says:

    and tonys famous coke parties

  • @jazzsoul1695 says:

    I love his speeches! He csn be gung ho at times, but Im a motivated person and hes speaking life into me.

  • @melissathomas7380 says:

    I found the true meaning of family when COVID hit and when we lost a loved one and got kicked out of our home during the time when I was getting help with addiction. Sad but the truth! 🙏 God opened my eyes during that time and what A blessing it is today being sober and knowing your true family and friends 💕

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