The BIGGEST Lie About Money They Don’t Want You to Know

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

THIS is why the rich keep getting richer, and the poor stay broke.

In this video, Robert Kiyosaki breaks down the fundamental problem with how most people think about money. If you’re still working for cash instead of cash flow, you’re stuck in a losing game.

💰 Key Lessons in This Video:
✔️ Why cash is trash and saving money is a losing strategy
✔️ How the rich use cash flow and assets to grow wealth
✔️ Why Bitcoin, gold, and silver are better stores of value than fiat currency
✔️ The 1971 Nixon shock and how it changed money forever
✔️ How politicians use campaign contributions to stack the game in their favor
✔️ Why most schools teach financial slavery, not financial freedom

⚠️ If you’re saving dollars, investing in stocks, or working for a paycheck… you NEED to hear this. The rules of money have changed, and the rich know how to play the game differently.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or engage in any financial activity.

The content presented here is based on the speaker's personal opinions and research, which may not always be accurate or up-to-date. Financial markets and investments carry inherent risks, and individuals should conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.

Cameron Long

  • @GauravDey9 says:

    Can you suggest the best career option

    • @B2FHeatingandAir-pm9rd says:

      Real estate

    • @R.lennox says:

      Especulate with peoples money is the best career

    • @americanpropertystars says:

      Video was clear – politician.

    • @philmcgriskin1706 says:

      ​​@@americanpropertystarsIt depends on the type of person you are ( or what you may become ) politician ( do you have ethics ) or AI will carry you into the future ; personally if it’s good for you – start a business to get the experience then you may find another interest for yourself & start another one , good luck , cheers ( Aussie ) Phil .

    • @americanpropertystars says:

      @@philmcgriskin1706 Sarcasm.

  • @hvm85 says:

    Don’t forget, those printing the so-called trash can legislate away Bitcoin with a signature overnight

    • @MekeatonZaygasen says:

      Don’t be silly. If you studied Btc you would know it doesn’t matter if it’s illegal, you could still exchange it if you know how to self custody. You must be a gov. agent planting psy ops or just stupid.

  • @MoeToOFFeR says:

    Love these transparent videos you been doing…showing your actual properties is awesome

  • @Personal_Finance_Money says:

    Best Teacher Alive!❤

  • @A.R.Pascaru says:

    I wonder what gold and silver would be without industrial use.

  • @Braveh3artGirl says:

    Thanks Dad ❤

  • @matiuswinarno says:

    Cash is trash. If you can print it, I don’t want it.

  • @Kevin_Smith34 says:

    You work for 42yrs to have $2m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $20k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multi millionaires I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life

    • @Josh-xe5vi says:

      Only the insiders who buy the memecoin first are the ones walking away with millions. Understand the difference between btc and all the rest of crypto is fiat paper on steroids and meth. Every single one of them if you spread out their time scale to 100-200 years, would look like the rise & fall of past fiat currencies like the pound for example.

    • @StevenFowler-oh3ln says:

      Hence why people like Robert try to tell and teach us that the old ways are no longer working and that you need be smarter and hang around with those that can help you become more informed and better at investing and using money correctly.

    • @Emeke_Uelson says:

      I’m glad to write her tay I do hope she will help handle my paycheck properly☺️☺️☺️

    • @Emeke_Uelson says:

      Can I start with as low as $1,000?

    • @Brenda_bagsby says:

      Please who is this Mrs Jessica Ramos

  • @Preston_Smith says:

    I think a lot of poor people don’t even have anything in savings

  • @CHADEDITZ377 says:

    I used to chase money, but after reading the book Lost Scrolls of Jewish Wealth, I finally understand why the rich never do. Wealth flows to them because they follow hidden rules most people never learn.

  • @MirkoRatar says:

    I swear, Bevelorus The Hidden Codex of the Financial Alchemists is one of the best books I’ve read. It’s life-changing.


    At this point I’m starting to think people say anything, it’s no way you get rich and think money ( paper ) is trash. What’s the point of getting rich ?

  • @EngineerObed says:

    I hate school with passion. I hate 9-5.

    • @Farees-f1m says:

      😊😊Grandpa Robert May He Be BLESSED Forever Same As Him Huge Team Members Around The WORLD 🌎🌍🌎 Wow!!! He Doing A Lot For Our Beautiful UNIVERSE 😊❤😊❤😊❤ GOODNESS FOREVER

  • @Road_Rage_Channel says:

    Money can’t buy Time.

  • @korgond says:

    Time is the most valuable asset. Nothing can purchase time.

  • @shoreline780 says:

    All the politicians should wear patches on their suits saying who sponsers them.

  • @waynehendrix4806 says:

    Good reminder. Living real assets as much as possible these days.

  • @rossferguson5786 says:

    So grateful to Robert and Kim. Read Rich Dad Poor Dad when I was 19. What an odyssey it has been.

  • @MufitOlgun says:

    It’s funny watching this video knowing the profits I’m making with Moonacy protocol’s liquidity pools

  • @FireOElijahMC says:

    The difference between those who struggle and those who build lasting wealth is the right knowledge. I always recommend book The Architect of Riches, it completely shifted my perspective. It’s crazy how much is intentionally kept hidden from most people.

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