Cameron Long

  • Mutant Ryeff says:

    It isn’t about a hard or a soft landing; it is about landing in quicksand and it being extremely painful to get out, if you can get out.

  • Anthony Munoz says:

    Thank you for all that you do to teach us, George!! I’m blessed by your channel and those like yours!! God Bless you.

  • Steve Tonnesen says:

    If Jim Cramer agrees with something, it has to be completely wrong.

  • adaptivekalman says:

    You don’t need the analysis. Cramer Saying soft landing means it’s going to crash extremely hard.

  • erg says:

    Anyone with sense knew without a doubt that whatever Cramer said, it was gonna be the opposite

  • Chris Joyce says:

    Great work George. Australians appreciate your effort too.

    • Tony Wilson says:

      Another Australian here – I agree.
      At times I find George typically American with some of his views in that he’s a bit more free market & libertarian than I like, but in general he’s way more honest and gives better explanations than most of the economic clowns who peddle fantasies and nonsense.

      Just so we are clear I think the “free market” is great for somethings and in particular manufactured goods where there is genuine choice. But on the flip side I think its idiotic for some other things like power and water. The problem isn’t that they need controlling the problem has always been putting competent people in charge.

      On Libertarians, I actually went to university in America. So I know them better than most Australians. I 100% support their basic claims on freedom and liberty but hit a hard stop when it gets to the point where they demand the liberty to strip other people of their liberties.

    • Tom Wilson says:

      Here here!

    • Tech1 says:

      @Tony Wilson Hello, Im a Cuban guy living in the States, is hard to explain all the changes I have seen in the U.S.A since I moved here 43 yrs. ago, changes for the worst. Worse society, economics, shooting in schools, crazy stuff.
      My family and friends from Cuba, got here around 1964, the three of them were millionares, got to the American dream, that U.S.A is all but gone, is very hard for a noneducated person to get to the top. Adios.

  • Terry Norton says:

    I was hoping you’d do this whiteboard after listening to you and Jeff Synder yesterday.

  • py says:

    After more than a year of watching these experts (Schiff, Johnson, Snyder, Gammon, you name it), I learned only one thing—nobody knows what the hell is going on, or what will happen. All this nonsense reminds me of Nicholas Cage in the Weather Man: “I don’t predict it. Nobody does, ’cause i-it’s just wind. It’s wind. It blows all over the place! What the!”

  • Following the light says:

    Thank you George! I always enjoy your videos and your sense of humor!😊

  • Eric Keenan says:

    There is something very strange going on. I even feel it in myself. Productivity is just plumeting. It is really hard to be motivated to take on projects. It is hard to care about quality work, when politics and grift are driving what we do. Many of us had our rights taken away in the ‘cerveza sickness’.(speech, work, liberties). I no longer believe our voting is fair. Politicians and judges don’t care about the constitution and trample over the little people. We have a dark cloud over us.

  • donaldjohnson says:

    I wasn’t worried until Cramer said everything was going to be fine

  • Dominic Frei says:

    Another excellent video, thanks George and cheers from Bali🏝️

  • T B says:

    Sounds about right, thanks for the quality insights George!

  • Robert and Hazel Keroack says:

    I will never be able to “unsee” the most perfect fusion of Alex Jones and George G. I suspect that Josh might havve been instrumental for that…….Thank you both!!! from Mongolia.

  • Darren Whittington says:

    I was not too stressed until Cramer banging on about it all going to be ok! Time to become a prepper

    • Robs Device Unknown says:

      I have been prepping for over a decade. Boy let me tell you. It has taken tons of stress of me. I of course have concerns as no one will ever be 100% self-sufficient, but If you can manage to keep you and your family alive and SAFE for at least 90 days, the worst part is over.

  • homsar pshoo says:

    George, we love “stiff drink time”. Please make it a lasting tradition in your videos.

  • Matthew Fowler says:

    This guy has been bearish the whole time, meanwhile QQQ is up 40% YTD. Imagine listening to this guy and missing out. 😂

  • Lauvinsh says:

    Thank you George for keeping us informed! And one thing I love the most about you and your channels – you don’t have clickbaits. LIKE!

  • Bannister Void says:

    great stuff george! love it

  • richard Myers says:

    Thanks George. For keeping us informed.

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