Cameron Long

  • @AelfinMichel0797 says:

    😂why are there 2 lots of subtitles, lmao

  • @meowkie8549 says:

    Should of asked how much cash and not credit

  • @Mr.Polite415 says:

    How much debt is he playing with?!?

  • @FinanzFerdinand says:

    Most of it he uses as toilet paper

  • @ThatGuyUkindaNo100101 says:

    “How much money do you have?” Proceeds to brag about hundreds of millions of dollars in debt available to you all while avoiding the question….

    Where do i buy your course?

  • @bfit4life1 says:

    How about a loan? 😂

  • @Erickd2025 says:

    Shessshhh 😔🫣🙈

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