Don’t listen to the people in the cheap seats 🍿
Warren Buffett’s 2-List Prioritization Strategy 💸
15 Brutal Truths I Wish I Knew When I Was Side Hustling
Your Time Matters Just As Much As Everyone Else’s
What’s On Your Win List?
39 Success Secrets I Know At 39 I Wish I Knew At 29
Your NOT-TO-DO List
How To Know What To Do (When EVERYTHING Feels Important)
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Uncle G, you are a legend.
Thanks for all you do.
Great example for us all.
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
**stay bullish***
Congratulations grant. I will be working with you this year. Working on my plans right now and you have a wonderful bless. Ed prosperous, happy healthy New Year. You and your family and your crew too.😂
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish***
Have a great 2024 to you and your family Grant. You are truly inspirational.
Happy New Year to you and family Uncle G !!! I wish you the best . I’m grateful to have you as a mentor!
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish***
Thank you Grant!!! You are a remarkable person! Happiest of New Years for you & yours!🎉
@@Grant_Cardone28 my pleasure! You’re admired by many, of course! My daughter is one of your greatest admirers for those you’ve helped, Katie Napier.
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish***
Thank you for inspiring and bringing the best of you to everyone who’s been hoping, praying, and taking action to make this life the best that we can out of it.❤
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish***
Thanks, mister G for the great wishes. Now, I truly believe that my e-commerce business will 100x as you said 🙂
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish**
You have been a big inspiration for me and so many. Thank you for this New Year message. Blessings for you and your family 🎉
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish**
Grant, you are the best! Thank you for this inspiring and strategic message for creating an amazing 2024. May we flourish and prosper together in all areas of life!
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish**
I will be forever grateful to you miss Nicole Flynn Friedman, I really don’t know how to appreciate you, you change my life and my family situation, a huge thanks to her expert Nicole…🎉🎉
I’ve been investing in Bitcoin by myself. I’m not really happy with what’s going on, just few weeks ago I lost about $7,000 in a particular trade. Can you help me out or at least advise me on what to do?
I will advise you stop trading on your own if you keep losing. And i don’t trade on my own anymore, I always required help and assistance
from my personal financial advisor
YES!!! That’s exactly her name (NICOLE FLYNN) so many people have recommended highly about her and am just starting with her from Brisbane Australia🇦🇺
Trading crypto now should be wise, but trading without an expert isn’t advisable. I tried trading on my own but keep on losing. I think I’ll give her a try
Thank you Grant. Best of health and life to you and your family as well. 🙏🏽🤟🏽🤙🏽
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish**
Happy New Year, Uncle G. You really opened my eyes to what is possible for me and my daughter!
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish**
Almost everyone, including the media, is anticipating a market catastrophe, and as a result, many are turning a blind eye to the opportunities in the market. I began investing in stocks and Def earlier this year and it is the best choice I’ve ever made. My portfolio is rounding up to almost a million and I have realized that when a stock makes it to the news, chances are you’re quite late to the party, the idea is to get in early on blue chips before it becomes public. There are lots of life changing opportunities in the market, maximize it
What opportunities are there in the market and how do I profit from it?
You can make a lot of money from the market regardless of whether it strengthens or crashes. The key is to be well positioned.
I will really like to know how this actually work
All you need is a good capital and the service of a professional broker, with those your investment will most certainly produce high yields.
Do you have an idea of any good broker I can start with?
Beautiful message! Thank you, Grant! You are one awesome guy! Sending love to all that are going to MAKE this their YEAR!
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish**
Undercover Billionaire was so good I watched the whole 5 hours uncut … you need to do another show like that it was so freaking good Grant. Happy new year Uncle G
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, don’t forget to check me up for more education
*stay bullish* 🚀 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎆
Thank you Grant. Your message and advice was so truthful it inspired me. For me it erased the negative attitude put there by media.
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, if you still wish to acquire more education from the market please don’t forget to check me up
Let love lead
*stay bullish*
Wise words straight from the heart…Thanks GC, thanks and I will implement and take action.
I’m so much inspired to get your feedback, don’t forget to check me up for more education
*stay bullish* 🚀 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎆
Thank You Grant for the wonderful wishes, I wish you and family the same, sending you loads of Love and Blessings from India. Thank you for all your teachings throughout 2023, Looking forward to lots of Knowledge and Wisdom from you in the coming days as well. I Love You and Your Family, Thank You Thank You Thank You I am so so grateful to you🙏🙏❤❤
ᴹʸ ᴰᴵᴳᴵᵀ🚀
Grant, you inspire me every time , enjoy your brake and happy new year to you and family. Hopefully you visit Sydney Australia one day we see you in person
ᴹʸ ᴰᴵᴳᴵᵀ🚀
*Excellent !!! Thank you for the concise and to the point update…. I’ve been trying to grow my portfolio of $258k trading on my own for some time now, my major challenge is not knowing the best entry and exit strategies… I would greatly appreciate any suggestions*
I would suggest to reach out Mr Morris what impresses me most about Mr Morris is how well he explains basic concept of winning before actually letting you use he’s trade signals. This goes a long way to ensure winning trades
I’m a beginner where can someone reach Mr Morris.
*@morris1961 ^^^^^^that’s it. 人人人 “*
He’s mostly on Telegrams, using the user name.
Trading as a newbie is quite stressful and discouraging but I’ll linking up to your coach. This is useful info❤