Gamestock Stock Frenzy – How Roaring Kitty causes a 100% stock jump #shorts

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

#motivation #success #money #shorts
Gamestock Stock Fenzy – How Roaring Kitty causes a 100% stock jump

Do you think this should be legal? post in comments…

Cameron Long

  • @ChristianLeFer says:

    You mean GameStop?

    • @mhxxd4 says:

      I think roaring kitty is one of the groups behind the gamestop type fenzy betting. Gamestop was probably the first one of its kind

  • @BlessingsInDisguise369 says:


  • @bobbyguajardo9471 says:

    He sounds like he’s complaining about ants playing the only game ants can play.

  • @WallyGon says:

    Grant’s face is like.. Bro, this is why I only invest in real estate!

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