How to Dominate Your Sales in 2025 with Grant Cardone LIVE!
DOGE vs The Fed: The TRUTH About Your Money (They Don’t Want You to Know!) – Andy Tanner
Don’t listen to the people in the cheap seats 🍿
Warren Buffett’s 2-List Prioritization Strategy 💸
15 Brutal Truths I Wish I Knew When I Was Side Hustling
Your Time Matters Just As Much As Everyone Else’s
What’s On Your Win List?
39 Success Secrets I Know At 39 I Wish I Knew At 29
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You remind me a lot of Rori Gilmore, you have the same mentality and same looks ♥
AWESOME! Love coachmas! I’m starting to build my wellness community and I am stepping out of my comfort zone and going through barriers and breaking them down one post at a time. I do want to help one person at a time! Thank you for sharing ❤
Help one person every day… FREAKING AWESOME
I totally LOVE you and all the phases you have gone through. I’m so excited to spend every day next year going through your latest book day by day!!! I am still working at growing up and being a successful businesswoman like you. ~Smile!
I never comment, but this series is amazing! Seeing real examples of coaching like this makes everything so much more concrete and real.
This interview and information from you Amy was absolutely awesome!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. I literally loved every minute of listening to it. You almost lost me for a bit but then I really payed better attention to what you were saying and it all definitely makes sense. I have learned that I won’t say nothing unless I know it’s the truth and I have known that family don’t like that I do give my opinion cause they just expect me to keep quiet and everything they say is always right and I let them know it’s not and I share what is the truth. I don’t let people walk over me and do give my opinion. You’re a very smart woman and I’ve always loved your videos even though it’s been a good number of yrs since I’ve listened to any of your videos but I’ve been checking you out now and am happy I remembered your name so I could look you up on YouTube. God bless you and keep doing an awesome job with helping people. You are right, if you can just make one person smile or even just say hi to one person then we’ve done good. I always do that on a daily basis and it’s not for my satisfaction but for the person who I’m saying hi to satisfaction. I like to make people feel good and smile. God bless you and have a good night. Sue M. Florida 🙏❤️🥰👏🏻👏🏻❌⭕️
I enjoyed the use case style of delivering your message to basically start small, start for the right reasons, and stay your course for the same right reasons!! Don’t be bullied away from your principles, values, and personal beliefs. Thank you for articulating this useful information in this way! Well done! 🤗
Too Good 💎
OMG!! That was fantastic! Resonated with me so much ! Thanks!
Ohhhhh Amy! That advice around the 30minute mark, girl!! If you didn’t say it and I didn’t hear it I never would have stopped to think about how true that is. People just need to have their opinion heard, they don’t care about you, they need to be loud and vocal and you need to acknowledge that’s on them. You know your truth, your why. Wow. Powerful. You helped this one person today, thank you and thank Rowan!