Deal Machine: How This Game-Changing Tool is Revolutionizing Real Estate Investing
Finding great real estate deals can be tough, but what if there was a tool that made it easier? In this episode of the Rich Dad Real Estate Show, Jaren Sustar chats with David Lecko, the founder of Deal Machine—a game-changing software that's revolutionizing how investors find off-market deals.
David shares his journey from tracking potential properties by hand to creating Deal Machine, a tool designed to help investors streamline the process of finding and closing deals. Whether you're struggling with cold calling, follow-ups, or finding distressed properties, Deal Machine’s AI-powered features simplify it all. You’ll also learn how technology like satellite and street view analysis can help you locate high-potential properties without leaving your home.
From overcoming the challenges of real estate investing to navigating market cycles, this episode is packed with insights for both new and experienced investors. If you’re ready to take your real estate game to the next level, Deal Machine might just be the tool you need to unlock your full potential.
00:00 Introduction
02:53 The Birth of Deal Machine
06:11 The Importance of Follow-Up in Real Estate
11:15 Navigating Real Estate Challenges
20:16 Leveraging AI in Real Estate
23:14 Out-of-State Real Estate Investing
28:19 Finding Motivated Sellers
32:54 Overview of Deal Machine Features
35:07 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or engage in any financial activity.
The content presented here is based on the speaker's personal opinions and research, which may not always be accurate or up-to-date. Financial markets and investments carry inherent risks, and individuals should conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.
I really wanna get the dealmachine
Díky za informativní video😍👏…..Myslím, že BTC a ETH s větší pravděpodobností znovu otestují odolnost vůči vzhůru a pak zamíří níž. Ale jako vždy se situace mění každým dnem a vše, co můžeme dělat, je obchodovat zodpovědně, sledovat trhy a často přehodnocovat naše strategie. Chci ti poděkovat, Harrisi Dallasi, za to, že jsi mi dal krypto vzdělání, protože jsem pohodlně vydělal 6,7 BTC…..
To je zajímavé. Před nedávnem jsem hodně slyšel o stejné osobě, prosím, jak mám začít?
je aktivní na Telegramu…;(🚀
Díky za informace… co nejdříve se mu ozvu. Chci také získat dobré znalosti a už neztrácet. 🙏🙏
Odbornost Harrise Dallase je skutečně chvályhodná. Má pozoruhodnou zručnost při vytváření složitých kryptografických konceptů, které jsou snadno pochopitelné.