Grant Cardone LEAKS his next endeavor
Grant Cardone Explains Debt to Kid
Charlie Kirk’s faith and work
You DO NOT want Alina Habba in Court
Best Known Beats Best: How to Dominate Your Market
MGM Las Vegas Villa Walk Through – Help me Rate it
The Real Reason California Real Estate is Burning 🔥
Grant Cardone’s Marketing Playbook LIVE – Million-Dollar Strategies for Explosive Growth
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Wow haha
As a dad I loveeeee that title
Thank you brotha
@ you and trump continues to be a inspiration god bless you and your daughter 🙏🏽my daughter is 6years old I’ll show her this later today.
I love GC 💯 Congrats to the Cardones.
Sitting! ❤
Yoooooo wtf who says that to a 15 yr old at a conference while she onstage.. I hope they found that weirdo and kicked him out.
It reminded me about how many people need help out there…
Your daughter learned a valuable lesson. Even people you are trying to help will betray you. She handled it well…and so did you Grant.
Thanks Grant!
that was awesome
Loud and clear
Don’t wait! Move on shmuck! Love it! 👍
Hard to understand how creeps slither into decent gathering these days.
But wait, where can I watch the rest of the video? Is this truly the last of the Growth Conferences? Or is it just evolving into something else?
What next? Hope it’s something even bigger.
Very big. Announcement video drops on Sunday
Bruh… 😳
Imagine paying thousands of dollars to listen to a kid on stage. The second comment was completely inappropriate, but I can agree with the first one.
I love you Grant you’re fantastic, but nobody cares about what a 15-year-old has to say. Let your kids be teenagers, it’s not time to do conferences yet
Predators everywhere!! Smh!
Raising strong women is fundamental for their success and prosperity ❤
Damn that was wild, some people are beyond help.
Creeper boy really 10x-ed his expectations
It be more beneficial to have longer attire.
Sabrina.. it’s incredible present s on the stage program.. nice 😊
Sounds like a setup