Dad Protects Daughter from Creep On Stage LIVE

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

#motivation #success #money #dad

I don't care what your opinions are… As a father, you will not live to see another day if you come at my kids…

Cameron Long

  • @raheemtheinvestor says:

    Wow haha

  • @raheemtheinvestor says:

    As a dad I loveeeee that title

  • @mmachamp16 says:

    I love GC 💯 Congrats to the Cardones.

  • @hadiza1 says:

    Sitting! ❤

  • @bgizze01 says:

    Yoooooo wtf who says that to a 15 yr old at a conference while she onstage.. I hope they found that weirdo and kicked him out.

  • @fhhfgj says:

    Your daughter learned a valuable lesson. Even people you are trying to help will betray you. She handled it well…and so did you Grant.

  • @AmerAlipmp says:

    that was awesome

  • @dcwalk1 says:

    Loud and clear

  • @alexoloyede says:

    Don’t wait! Move on shmuck! Love it! 👍
    Hard to understand how creeps slither into decent gathering these days.

    But wait, where can I watch the rest of the video? Is this truly the last of the Growth Conferences? Or is it just evolving into something else?

    What next? Hope it’s something even bigger.

  • @kungfurobert7534 says:

    Bruh… 😳

  • @80zplug says:


  • @GOLDENEYEAL says:

    Imagine paying thousands of dollars to listen to a kid on stage. The second comment was completely inappropriate, but I can agree with the first one.

    I love you Grant you’re fantastic, but nobody cares about what a 15-year-old has to say. Let your kids be teenagers, it’s not time to do conferences yet

  • @alexp9470 says:

    Predators everywhere!! Smh!

  • @LauraAziz_PhD says:

    Raising strong women is fundamental for their success and prosperity ❤

  • @Decimo10X says:

    Damn that was wild, some people are beyond help.

  • @manyu79 says:

    Creeper boy really 10x-ed his expectations

  • @NorthAmerican-zo3ob says:

    It be more beneficial to have longer attire.

  • @bichitrakumarbal6350 says:

    Sabrina.. it’s incredible present s on the stage program.. nice 😊

  • @charleshorseman55 says:

    Sounds like a setup

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