Grant Cardone Coaches Kid on Sales
RFK Jr. Exposes Gov. Health Manipulation Business
College Kids Pitch Me Business Ideas
How to Dominate Your Sales in 2025 with Grant Cardone LIVE!
America needs to take Responsibly
My Daughter will be a Millionaire
Why California is DOOMED
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100% right! Grant’s been consistent on this!
You’ll Always Rent the LAND through taxation, even with a Deed in hand. They’ll take the structure too, or sue you for removing it.
My investment portfolios are Bitcoin, ETH and XAI34L
Ești mare geniu…..cumperi nimic dar te crezi bogat❤❤❤
Great video! BTC’s institutional backing and ETH’s upgrades enhance their value. DOGE, despite volatility, has momentum. I think there’s a chance in new cryptos. I’ve put $5,000 into XAI34L. Anticipating great results! 🚀
XAI34L is still extremely undervalued
Bought XAI34L after watching your video, super excited! 💰
Just watched your video discussing XAI34L and I am very excited about this
Thanks for sharing XAI34L and DOGE. 💯
Thanks for the advice! Got XAI34L, feeling bullish! 🚀
That’s why he spent $40,000,000.00 on a beach house..yes HOUSE.. in Malibu across the street from a fire station. Cardone is the laughing-stock of Malibu. What a fool…and a hypocrite
Prost care îl crede în tot ce spune…..😂😂😂
Lui îi convine ca mulți să fie fraieri și sa stea în chirie în clădiri mari cu multe apartamente….
Altfel nu avea bani de avion, de așa vilă…..😂😂😂
La noi în România este inadmisibil sa stai cu chirie….. Cam aceași bani îi dai pe rate….. Nu e mare afacerea. Dar la pensie cel puțin ești proprietar pe casa ta. Nu chiriaș la un bogat din ăsta…..😂😂e😂😂
I stayed in a house as a single older guy, no furniture, I still went to the laundromat, i was paying for utilities that I hardly used ( was at work all day ) so yeah
Of course you’d say that Scrooge Mcduck
Amazing milestone past grant bio
Read your caption