Will Trump’s Tariffs Cause A Recession? (Here’s What You Need To Know)

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Cameron Long

  • @christopherendara9714 says:

    All because of tariffs but it pushes the price of physical metals up gold silver copper platinum

    • @misternobody9801 says:

      That theory doesn’t hold water. Trump had the same tariffs in his first term and gold only increased 20% in his first 3 years (2017,2018,2019) but it has gone up 37% in the last 3 years. How do you explain that when he wasn’t in office?

  • @Handle35667 says:

    George, according to your videos, everything is going to cause a recession.

    You’ll be right eventually. Probably.

    • @alanouye5355 says:

      Considering how long it will take for domestic manufacturing to be profitable while being trapped in tariffs, it is more of a matter how long a recession will be.

    • @davek1833 says:

      one thing you can say for sure, is that we are closer to a recession

  • @orangeofmars2835 says:

    I’m not running a business but if I were I would sure be wanting a stable economic environment to make long term plans. As a retired person I also am pulling back spending due to all the unknowns in SS and Medicare as well as the continuing increases in prices. Looks to me like all the Trump Tariff chaos is the cause of the current Economic problems.

    • @alanouye5355 says:

      Agreed. The tariffs are upsetting the economic environment as well as having trade cat fights out in the open is more like grandstanding than having serious policy talks.

    • @MM-ex4gg says:

      You’re right. It has nothing to do with the 10 trillion dollars injected into the economy. Cut it all. Nobody is taking your SS or obamacare

    • @geocam2 says:

      What is happening to SS and Medicare isn’t an “unknown” – they are going away. I hope you can live without them.

  • @PhoticsTV says:

    Wow, editor working hard on this video.
    So many popups. 😃💬

  • @christsciple says:

    Notwithstanding the oversimplification of it all, your summary is correct on two fronts:
    1. Regardless of who would be president right now, we would still be facing a recession.
    2. Trump is indeed making the recession worse.

    But also worth mentioning or even discussing is how this is by design – the unpredictability that is resulting from him, benefits his benefactors. It leads to a flood of bankruptcies which in-turn results in his benefactors buying those companies. Trumps philosophy is that privatization is always good, it’s why he demonizes every facet of government to sow distrust in the people, and then by tanking the economy allows for his allies to swoop in and buy these companies and consolidate power.

    It’s not a new idea, it’s nothing revolutionary in itself, what is revolutionary is how he has managed to convince half the country that it’s a good thing.

    Another fact worth discussing is longer-term effects of tariffs (or threat thereof so long as prices adjust (rise)) – once a company raises prices on a good or service, they are under no obligation to then lower the cost back to what it was prior to the threat of tariffs that led to the original increase of the price. They realize that consumers will continue to purchase due to price or demand inelasticity. So even if tariffs are removed and the cost of importing the item decreases, companies will not be obliged to lower the price because they are now receiving a premium from us consumers.

    Tariffs result in permanent price increases that harm all but the wealthy in this country.

    This is what Trump supporters voted for.

    • @ren96706 says:

      yep that’s who i voted for, not christsciple’s speculation.

    • @lilblackduc7312 says:

      President Trump denied both Hildebeast and Camel-uh the White House for probably 2 terms, each.
      That alone places him in the Pantheon of Great American Presidents! MAGA, baby!

    • @misternobody9801 says:

      As an average Joe, my retirement and savings account did great with Trump tariffs during his first term so I’m not overly pessimistic about this round.

    • @ryannn6501 says:

      Apparently you didn’t watch the whole video. We were headed into a recession regardless of who was in office. But yes we voted to shut down socialism and woke policies. What a refreshing time in regards to that massive weight of DEI bullsh*t and censorship

    • @CsondesMateHUN says:

      If Trump dismantles globalism that is a huge win anyway. Short term pain for long term gain. And for the liberals only crying remains.

  • @daniellindforsbernholm3682 says:

    Here is a thought I had about interest rates. If there are nothing good to invest money in, people keep their money. Interest rates gets dropped to stimulates people to put their money into mediokre investments.
    In a sense, an economy that can run on high interest rates has lots of good investments. If it is forced to drop rates it is because there are little investments that makes sense.

  • @rk_s.e.e. says:

    Thanks George for keep up awesome content!

  • @JannaMoore-u1d says:

    I came to the Lord asking for his blessings as a single mom because raising my son (Joel) was an act of courage despite all the challenges. And the Lord answered my prayers with a benefiting income of $31,000 every month. To God be the glory. Joel is in school and life’s been fair lately.

    • @KafeelNabi-q6d says:

      Congratulations!! The scriptures clearly
      states there’s going a transference of the
      riches of the heathen to the righteous.God
      keep blessings you

    • @KafeelNabi-q6d says:

      But how do you make so much in a month? mind sharing?

    • @JannaMoore-u1d says:

      Thanks to Jessica Layne Brandt

    • @LorieBerry-h9i says:

      Really feel your pain, when I was even almost down my God sent to me Jessica Layne Brandt services cryp to me and changed the game automatically

    • @FaridaNawfal says:

      I’ve always wanted to be involved for a long time but the volatility in the price has been very confusing to me. Although I have watched a lot of YouTube videos about it but I still find it hard to understand.

  • @mikeburda3038 says:

    The recession was coming- regardless.

  • @johnmueller9281 says:

    Recession?! That is a given. The real question is whether agent orange will cause a depression.

  • @personjo100 says:

    No mention of all the Federal government layoffs. That definitely doesn’t help demand.

  • @thecarpenterssheep says:

    We are overdue for massive corrections

  • @Johnwicker1903 says:

    We are already in a recession since last year.

  • @rpaul4656 says:

    If a recession does happen, can we call it a Trump Dump?

  • @austinmackell9286 says:

    How is FOX, the largest cable news channel in the world, not ‘mainstream’ media?

  • @TheLamdad says:

    Good presentation and spot on with regard to an incipient recession prior to the Nov election. Historically high deficit/GDP spending 14.7% in 2020, 11.5% in 2020, and 5.3-6.3% in the follow-on years have keep the ship afloat and unemployment numbers down. Trump deserves to own this with his chaotic policies and strange fiscal math.

  • @JamesM-iz5km says:

    Who drew trump? Thats a level above georges artistry skill

  • @albertkennis says:

    Such a relief to know that the tariffs on tariffs off insanity is only a contributing factor.

  • @marvelraider1018 says:

    With so many opposing variables, it looks like sentiment will tip the scale and yet still lands near the middle

  • @PASCALDAB says:

    Once markets really grasp that Trump is serious about tariffs, it’s going to hit hard. If the US cuts itself off from global trade, that isolationism is going to send shockwaves

    • @DonaldStokes-p says:

      Yeah, exactly. Investors won’t sit quietly. Once they sense the long term impact of these tariffs, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a significant market downturn

    • @SeanTalkoff says:

      People are underestimating the ripple effect. Companies that rely on imports or exports will take a hit. We could see a chain reaction affecting everything from tech to manufacturing

    • @mikey43221 says:

      The volatility is going to be rough. Honestly, this is where a financial advisor comes into play. I brought one on board when the markets were getting unpredictable, and it was one of the best decisions I made. Helped me navigate these fluctuations and build a strategy that kept me steady

    • @Tonyrobs2 says:

      Mind if I ask you to recommend this particular coach you using their service? Seems you’ve figured it all out.

    • @mikey43221 says:

      Sure! Her name is SHARON ANN MENY can’t divulge much. Most likely, the internet should have her basic info, you can research if you like

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