18 Minutes to Find Your PURPOSE – Motivational Speech

Having a PURPOSE in life is essential for personal fulfillment and well-being. It provides a sense of direction, motivating you to set meaningful goals and persist through challenges. It gives life deeper meaning, helping individuals connect their actions to something greater than themselves, whether through relationships, career aspirations, finding your PURPOSE in the life is crucial.

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“The more money I get, the more titles I get, it's not filling me up more. Then I realized its the effort, it's the journey."

— Chris Bumstead

If you know someone who could use this speech, share it with them! This is the most powerful motivational speech for success in life. Lock in, embrace pain, and get it.


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Chris Williamson

Alex Hormzoi

David Goggins

Jordan Peterson

Jocko Willink

Rich Roll

Tony Robbins

Andrew Huberman

Matthew Mohgonahey

Robert Greene

Thank you to all our speakers for making this the best motivational speech.

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►Video footage: All video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from various stock footage websites. All creative commons footage is listed at the end of the video and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0.

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►Disclaimer: This video and speech was fully edited and licensed by the team at MotivationHub.

#motivationhub #chriswilliamson #motivationalspeech

Cameron Long

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  • @ramimohamed9508 says:

    Thanks ❤❤❤

  • @jonc9788 says:


  • @amirbeknurillayev6805 says:

    Very motivational, love it❤

  • @lovingmayberry307 says:

    “If you’re not constantly performing with purpose, you’re not going to be ready when the time comes.”
    When the times comes for what?!? 🙄

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