Wind and Solar Failures & the Looming Economic Fallout – Mike Mauceli, Jonathan Lesser

insulin resistance, diabetes, blood sugar, weight loss

Are wind and solar power running out of juice? Are we amidst another bailout or economic collapse In this episode, Jonathan Lesser joins Mike Mauceli in discovering how reality is setting in for wind power, how this failure may cost taxpayers even more money, and “how the benefits of the few are at the expense of the many.”


Please read carefully.

This is not financial advice. You may be asking, “What does that mean?”

Let me explain…

Do not just do what I, my team, or my guest say. That would be stupid and irresponsible. Take the education, then use your own brain and make your own decisions.

YOU must take responsibility for your future and your success. That is why you are here. Neither I, nor my team, nor my guests, know your risk levels, prior education, emotional maturity, or how much money you can afford to lose.

We are only telling you what we believe to be smart moves. But you must decide for yourself. There are NEVER guarantees.

Also, understand that we are REAL teachers. We practice what we preach. With that in mind, we often invest in the very projects that may be mentioned on this show. While it is never our intent, we could possibly profit from others investing in our recommendations.

Take the education we provide but then determine your own actions. If it does not make sense to you, get more education before you invest. We will continue to provide education and there will always be more opportunities.

Cameron Long

  • @BuildRestoreRepair says:


  • @warriorclassmedia says:

    This is powerful information

  • @stephanierogers3610 says:

    Thanks for bringing the truth to light.

  • @petersax7305 says:

    Thank you so much. That was such a great dose of truth.

  • @MWONG06 says:

    These boomers are so out of touch and shortsighted. Electricity is a public utility and the hosts are focused on the companies/shareholders and faulting the Gov tax subsidies. Diversification of US electricity sources through the investment in emerging and unknown technology to become independent is a national security issue as much as it is an environmental issue. Long-term energy strategies, like any start-up company, are rarely profitable and seem unviable while the infrastructure is still being built. He uses anecdotal bias of rural New Mexico to argue why EVs are not viable (which is currently true); but it takes time, investment, and federal/state/local government cooperation in technology and infrastructure to expand the availability. Again, electricity is a public utility and diversification into green energy is a long-term national security and environmental strategy.

  • @rajivthakur4594 says:

    Haha………………cry babies are back, i smell the fear 😂😂😂😂😂

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  • @AmiYuzuYawn says:

    0:00: 🌀 The Energy Show discusses the concerns about the failure of wind power and its potential cost to taxpayers.
    4:40: 🐳 The video discusses how environmental groups are shifting focus to climate change and green energy, leaving other environmental issues behind.
    9:34: 🌬 Offshore wind developers are making it difficult for local workers to get certifications, leading to fewer green jobs and lower wages.
    14:20: 💡 The video discusses the high cost of electricity in Europe and the potential of green hydrogen as an alternative energy source.
    19:24: ⚡ The video discusses the challenges and costs of producing green hydrogen through wind and solar farms, and the ambitious goal of reducing carbon emissions.
    24:43: 🚗 Discussion about challenges of transitioning to electric vehicles and their impact on rural areas.
    29:41: 🌍 The video discusses the economic and social impact of climate change and highlights the skepticism and fatigue people are experiencing towards climate change claims.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  • @aqadaptiveintelligence says:

    My solar still works great.

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